“Research, methodologies for the effective development of pan-European key GRID infrastructures to support the achievement of reliable, competitive and sustainable electricity supply”
OME participates in Work-Package 3 and leads Work-Package 3.6. WP 3 is devoted to implement a framework, (i.e. methodologies and tools), to assess and demonstrate the benefits of developing transmission infrastructure for the pan-European power system, to encourage transmission investments at national and multi-national levels in order to achieve a reliable transmission system, to enable exploitation of large scale renewable resources, and to get a competitive pan-European electricity market. The first Stakeholders Meeting took place in Milan on September 2008 and the second one in Vienna on April 2009. OME, jointly with CESI, RICERCA and JRC, presented a general overview and focus on the WP 3 activities of the first year.
Duration: 2008 – 2011