Mediterranean Energy Perspectives 2015 (MEP 2015) provides insights into the past and possible future evolution of the energy situation in the Mediterranean region. It presents detailed data and analysis of both the supply and demand side of the energy equation in the Mediterranean region. It is the third issue of a regular publication – the MEP series – whose aim is to compile and present the extensive work of the Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie (OME). The publication draws upon the expertise of OME and its members.
MEP 2015 is a unique and comprehensive analysis of the energy sector in the Mediterranean region. It contains long historical data, as well as perspectives to 2040 based on an exhaustive supply and demand model (Mediterranean Energy Model) developed by OME and two scenarios of evolution. MEP 2015 presents:
• A description of the Mediterranean countries in the global context,
• Historical and forecast data on the supply and demand balance by energy source and for each segment of the Mediterranean energy sector,
• Energy demand scenarios up to 2040, under a Conservative Scenario and a Proactive Scenario,
• Past, present and future of oil and gas exploration, production and development,
• Evolution of electricity generation, installed capacity, and infrastructure,
• Developments of innovative and renewable energy sources, • Energy efficiency, • Impacts on energy import dependence and CO2 emissions.
MEP 2015 has been prepared by OME experts and benefited of input and review from OME member companies and independent experts. Bringing this expertise together provides an important reference for energy analysts, investors and all those who need to get a comprehensive picture of the energy industry and markets in the Mediterranean, the way they operate and their longterm perspectives.
MEP 2015 is an indispensable source for policy makers, researchers and members of the business community.