Conferences & Events

September 24, 2020
OME Mediterranean Energy Scenarios 2nd Experts Meeting

July 30, 2020
OME Investment Needs and Financing of Infrastructure Committee meeting

July 22, 2020
Presentation of Confindustria Energia study “Energy Infrastructure for Italy and the Mediterranean”, with the contribution of OME

July 20-21, 2020
OME General Director meets with Tunisian Minister of Energy, Mines and Energy Transition in Tunis

July 8, 2020
EU communication “A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe” – Role for OME

June 29, 2020
OME Strategy & International Cooperation Committee meeting

June 25, 2020
Dedicated meeting on the assessment of the socio-economic benefits of renewable energy projects

June 11, 2020
Energy Transition, Sustainability & Climate Change Committee meeting

June 8, 2020
OME Covid-19 Task Force meets again

May 7, 2020
OME Strategy & International Cooperation Committee meeting