Conferences & Events

April 29, 2020
OME launches the Covid-19 Task Force

April 17, 2020
OME-EdF MEP 2020 meeting

January 29, 2020
Annual meeting of the UfM Energy Platforms in Barcelona.

January 14, 2020
OME General Assembly at the Nile Ritz Carlton Hotel in Cairo, Egypt

January 13, 2020
OME Annual Conference in Cairo on «Energy hubs between technology and climate: Optimizing Mediterranean and African energy markets»

December 16, 2019
UfM Gas Platform Conference in Brussels on the activities of the 2017-2019 period and plans for the next phase.

December 9, 2019
Brainstorming meeting in Paris on the theme: “Building a shared energy vision for the future: Mediterranean energy scenarios meeting”

November 21, 2019
Solar & Wind Energy Forum and Energy Transition Committee meeting in Barcelona

June 13, 2019
1st UfM Gas Platform Conference in Paris on the role of LNG in the Mediterranean Gas Security

January 29-30, 2019
Annual meeting of the UfM Energy Platforms in Barcelona