Conferences & Events

December 1, 2016
OME at the UfM Ministerial Meeting on Energy, Rome, Italy

November 17, 2016
Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines and Environment, the Federation de l’Energie and OME signed an MoU in Marrakech, Morocco

November 10-17, 2016
OME at COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco

October 19, 2016
COP 22 Preparation // Transition Energy Scenario vs NDCs Experts Workshop

October 10, 2016
EU-Turkey Energy Dialogue – Workshop in Istanbul

September 29-30, 2016
OME 2016 Annual Conference in Tunis : “Electrical Interconnections in the frame of a Euro-Med sustainable energy future: towards concrete implementation”

September 23, 2016
OME Side-event on the Energy Transition in the Mediterranean at the International Beirut Energy Forum in Lebanon

September 8, 2016
EU-Turkey Energy Dialogue – Workshop in Ankara

July 18-19, 2016
OME at the MEDCOP CLIMATE 2016 in Tangier

May 27, 2016
OME participated in the first event of the Mediterranean forum on electricity and climate change organized by CMI