Recent developments and perspectives in the LNG industry
The OME organised at its premises in Paris on 12 December 2016 a workshop to present an overview of the main trends driving the LNG markets and to discuss possible perspectives. More than 20 delegates from institutions and the industry contributed to vibrant discussions and participated to the success of the event.
Several guest speakers contributed to the different sessions and stimulated exchanges/discussions between all participants around the topics that matter in the LNG industry today and in the future. Rodrigo Pinto Scholtbach and Pedro Cespedes, Senior Gas Experts at the International Energy Agency, presented the main trends driving LNG markets; and Armelle Lecarpentier, Chief Economist of Cedigaz, discussed current trends and Cedigaz prospects for LNG. From the industry, Gilbert Hamaïde, Senior VP of strategy for retail LNG at ENGIE, focused on the development of LNG in transport sector; Antonio Bellver, Senior LNG Supply Manager at Gas Natural Fenosa, presented LNG trends in the Mediterranean region; and Grégoire de Saivre, VP of Gas Analytics Division at Total, presented Total’s views on the possible evolution of the LNG market.
Vivid discussions (under the Chatham House Rule) followed each presentation. Positive feedback from the Delegates encourages OME to repeat this kind of encounters.
The workshop, sponsored by OME Member DEPA, was organised within the OME ENERMED programme to promote mutual knowledge and information exchange as well as networking between participants from OME Member companies and stakeholders.
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