Egypt is a significant oil producer and a rapidly growing natural gas producer. Its strategic location makes it an important transit corridor for world energy markets.
Mediterranean Energy Perspectives – Egypt provides insights into the country’s energy situation today and over the next two decades. It presents detailed data and analysis of interest to those who have a stake in both the supply and demand side of the energy equation. It is the first in-depth country review in OME’s Mediterranean Energy Perspectives (MEP) series. The publication draws upon the extensive expertise of the Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie (OME) and its members.
MEP-Egypt is a unique and comprehensive analysis of the energy sector in Egypt. It contains data from the early days of its energy industry up to today as well as a view on its evolution to 2030 based on the supply and demand model developed by OME (Mediterranean Energy Model). Current efforts related to renewable energy sources are carefully considered as they are key issues for the Egyptian energy sector and for the whole economic and environment future of the country.
MEP-Egypt presents:
– Historical and forecast data on the supply and demand balance for each segment of the Egyptian energy sector;
– Past, present and future of oil and gas exploration and discoveries;
– Oil and gas fields: production and development;
– Oil and gas production profiles and prospects to 2030;
– Detailed information on refineries, pipelines, LNG terminals and storage facilities;
– Evolution of electricity generation and installed capacity;
– Developments of innovative and renewable energy sources;
– Prospects for CO2 emissions and sustainable development;
– Alternative energy scenarios;
– Fiscal regime of the energy industry;
– Investment and regulatory framework.
MEP-Egypt has been prepared by a joint-team of Egyptian industry experts and OME staff, supported by related companies, institutions and independent experts. Bringing this expertise together provides an important reference for industry analysts and investors who wish to get a complete picture and a full understanding of the energy industry and market in Egypt, the way they operate and their long-term perspectives.