COMPASsCO2 second Stakeholder workshop on “Next generation advanced materials for particle/supercritical CO2 heat exchangers”

As the leader of WP7 on Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation, OME organized the Second Stakeholder workshop of the project on 25 September 2023 in Marktheidenfeld (Germany), at the occasion of the international conference on High temperature corrosion and oxidation. The workshop was organized around two main sessions, the first dealing with advanced materials for abrasive environments and the second one focusing on material behaviour in sCO2 environments. Representatives from the COMPASsCO2 consortium presented the preliminary results of their analysis and had the opportunity to interact with experts from industry and academia to further advance on the work and validate the findings. The meeting, held in a hybrid format, saw the participation of about 60 participants.

For more information about COMPASsCO2 please check the project’s website: